by Glenn Johnson
(Tucson, Arizona)

Two thousand years off the world stage

Jesus launches his Reckoning of the Rock of Peter tour
His first tour
his humble gift to the world
through the centuries
was exploited
shameless rip offs by imitation groups.

True to his first ground breaking tour
he performed in venues intimate and less visited
inexpensive tickets for his fans
Again, he defied the money lenders.
he turned his back on the pricey temples of the Vatican and Protestants
Pockets deep from bootleg copies of his earliest work
their overflowing chests of treasure.

His humbleness intact
The same past impatience
confused fans calling him the god of the rock.
He lifted fans up who fell to their knees:
“Rise up . . . give thanks to the father.
Like you, I too am a child of God!"

A new leather flask for freshly vintaged wine
he gave renewed life . . . his holy teachings
professing everyone's spiritual path to enlightenment.

As if he had never left
he once again stirred crowd participation
in a rousing chorus of
“Surrender to the eternal love of God.”

Not every fan was satisfied
Orthodox Christians
misinterpreting the true message of his New Testament
criticized his unorthodox message.
Like Pharisees of old
they knew the words but not the spirit of his message.

Interviewed at the end of his tour
he spoke of satisfactions and disappointments.
In a moment of profound frustration,
He proclaimed, “I am not a Christian
Neither Protestant nor Catholic.
Just a pilgrim who returned to the eternal love of God.”
Then revealed his sad conclusion:
. . . over the ages . . .
. . . his eternal song . . .
. . . had been warped. . .
. . . crucified . . .
beyond his own recognition.

tags: Jesus spirituality not Christianity poems, Jesus not religious, spirituality, unorthodox, personal, poem, poetry

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Personal experience Jesus love poem

by Glenn Johnson
(Tucson, Arizona)


© Glenn Johnson

Brother Jesus . . .
Again . .
Knock at your door as so many times before.
No call ahead.
As always, just know you’ll be home.
Your door open, warmly smile,take each other in arms.
Seems no time has passed since last of so many hellos.
A friendship no frequency need keep together we sit.

Brother Jesus . . .
Again . . .
With wondrous heart you listen to my latest stories.
Somehow, seems you already know all I am going to say.
In pauses of silence . . .
I remember and relax in your gentle love.

Brother Jesus. . .
Again . . .
Feel safe, soul deep, my fears you put to sleep.
Glowing comfort . . .
Your endless acceptance of all I regret, am, and want.
In my seriousness and trouble . . .
you make me laugh . . . I see the humor of human be.
Realize, have missed how you always get it.
Still . . . life’s sorrow does give pause:
Sad distortion of your 'suffer children unto me' call.

As you speak . . .
Again . . .
gestures expose mortal wounds never condemned.
Again . . .
my heart weeps . . .
knowing your brilliant love caressed the torturer blind.
Mind understands how fear of love blindness keeps.
Still . . .
my heart weeps . . .
painful ignorance of love brilliant and caressing.

Life's winds call within my soul.
Time to get up to leave and go.

Brother Jesus . . .
Again . . .
warmly, lovingly we smile, take each other in arms.
My soul once again full and fed . . .
Your door always open . . .
I step out . . .
Again . . . go on my way.

tags: spiritual, personal experience, jesus, love, brother, friend

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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