Inspirational Prayer

Both Famous and Personal

My prayer for you. Whether you stay a moment or visit many times, I pray you are blessed by your visit to this spiritual website.

"Dear God,
May this person - this beautiful child of yours - find words to comfort, to inspire and to take them deeper in their relationship with You.
Please make me a channel of your peace.
Thank you.

list of prayer categories linked to on the page

Contents List

This is a summary page. Please choose the section you want and then click through to find the prayer that calls to you.

Some of you will only want prayers from certain traditions or non religious, spiritual prayers. I have labeled them to help you find the ones that are most meaningful to you.

Alternatively, you may choose to set your labels to one side and read them all to see if they surprise you with their power! :-)

*  A List of spiritual prayers for life - assorted

  • *  A List of Famous Prayers on
  • * Seasonal prayers - Easter, Christmas, New Year
  • *  Prayers for Healing
  • * Prayer for support and strength in a time of illness
  • * For forgiveness
  • * Biblical Prayers and Affirmations
  • * Different forms of Prayer
  • * Advice about How to Pray
  • * Relevant Faith articles that may be of interest.
  • Cover for the forgiveness book available as a pdf via this website.

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    With love, Katherine

    A List of spiritual prayers for life - assorted

    Prayers for Ukraine

    There are prayers in the following articles suitable as
    prayers for Ukraine.

    Many of the other prayers can also be adapted

    Prayer for world peace.
    Holding a vision that in a particular area of the world currently experiencing war or under threat of war, peace is restored.

    Prayer for housing - dedicated at this time to Ukranian refugees and those still in the country.

    Prayer for protection - adapted from powerful spiritual protection bible quotes. Includes the prayer of St Patrick: "Christ with me..."
    Includes words to call on protection from a person – verbal abuse or physical abuse

    Spiritual Protection Against Illness and Allergy - Bible Quotes

    For finding faith in hard times– I pray that you will experience a resurrection. (biblical)

    Prayer for a terrorist to be deterred from their current course of action.

    Non duality prayers - how do we pray when we believe that the world we see with our eyes is an illusion.

    Prayer and Affirmations for Rest. We are willing to be still and silent - (interfaith)

    Praying for Relaxation - (interfaith)

    Spiritual quotes from ACIM to enter into God's rest
    Also a Bible quote about rest. Prayers based on these quotes.

    Pray for sleep - to overcome insomnia. Based on bible verses along with a blessing from me :-) (biblical) (ACIM)

    Prayer for spiritual acceptance of what is.

    Praying to know God's love.

    Praying to Overcome Resistance to God (A Course In Miracles, ACIM)

    Prayer for a couple in trouble with children. (My own words - interfaith)

    Prayer for healing loneliness,
    interwoven into a page on spiritual quotes about loneliness. (Biblical and ACIM)

    A possible daily prayer.
    A bedtime prayer of thanks in which we hand over our joys and sorrows. (My own words - interfaith)

    Famous Prayers

    Click through on the links below to read about my personal experience of these famous prayers and (in some cases) my interpretation of or explanation of their meaning.

    The above link includes the following:
    * A prayer after the loss of a child - a prayer to Mary.
    * A prayer of acceptance - a willingness to say yes to God whatever the circumstances of our lives.

    Why do Catholics pray to Mary?

    Come Holy Spirit fill my heart
    • Psalm 91. (biblical)
      The words to the psalm from the KJV Bible.
      Also, a personalised version.
      I invite you to use this psalm as a prayer for protection 
      Scroll down for a link to another article on protection.
    • Psalm 91 - as a prayer for peace of mind (biblical)
    • Psalm 91 - as a prayer for strength (biblical)
      Scroll down for links to other articles to draw on spiritual strength.
    • My roots go down deep... (bible verse)
    • Prayer for leaders - (bible verse) this article includes personal prayers for leadership

    Also among the famous prayers I pray are the following:

    • The Serenity Prayer - A Prayer For Acceptance of What Is, A Prayer For Wisdom (interfaith)
    • A prayer for someone who has died - to pray at the time of death, at anniversaries, or  at any time when you think of them:
      Eternal Rest give unto them...
      (Christian Catholic)

    Here are a list of Bible quotes which are interfaith - They let us know that God does not have favourites. These can be used as the basis for Interfaith prayers by Christians and other Faiths.

    Seasonal prayers

    Easter prayer:

    On this link you will find the following:

    • I join my mind with those who are right now in a time of torment....
    • I really would like to get out of this situation straightaway.
      I would love you to save me from it.
      But I am willing to believe there is a purpose in this moment.

    And click here for a Christian Passover words to claim protection.

    Prayers for our personal spiritual journeys on the theme of the Christmas verses in the Bible.

    Prayer for those who are alone at Christmas and those who are called to help those who are alone. 

    Alternative Christmas A Course In Miracles prayers.
    We let the Christ be birthed in us.

    New Year blessing

    Includes bible verses for hope for new and good things.
    Includes bible quotes for moving from worry to trust.

    Prayers for Healing

    Go here for a prayer for health and advice about how to pray for healing. This includes tips on how to persevere with your spiritual practice when you feel too ill to pray.

    Prayers for healing are threaded throughout the pages on Scriptures for Healing. Look for the light blue boxes to find the prayers. They include the following.

    • The Healing Scriptures page includes.
      *   We receive healing from Jesus
           "By his stripes you were healed"
      *   “We walk by faith, not by sight”

    • Click here for
      *   Let go of specialness
      *   Let him who hears say 'Come'.
    • On the Jesus heals page: overcome disbelief

    Prayer for support and strength in a time of illness

    • Some of the quotes on the following link are biblical. 
      Some are quotes from and prayers based on A Course In Miracles....
      Spiritual strength quotes
      and prayers.
    • Search also the link to Psalm 91 on this page, for another article to claim God's strength in your life.

    Prayer of Surrender and Repentance in a time of illness

    Or visit another website for the following:

    Cardinal John Henry Newman prayer to know your value in a time of illness "I cannot be thrown away".

    For bringing to the world or yourself HEALING from corona virus, covid 19

    This faith article includes the beautiful Poem by Brother Richard, Lockdown, serving as a prayer for us to open the windows of our soul and sing #Covid19

    And here is a small prayer now:

    We pray together.
    We heal together.
    we get centred in the Presence in which we all connected and where all problems are solved.
    We are one.
    We give thanks for this moment of being of ONE MIND.
    We are healed. AMEN

    Prayers for forgiveness

    Biblical Prayers and Affirmations

    It can be particularly powerful to pray words straight from the Bible.

    Many of the famous prayers above originate from bible verses. Here are some more.

    Different Forms of Prayer

    Be Loved

    15 Spiritual Love Poems
    God Love Self Love

    (by the author of

    Around $1 in price in your own currency
    on kindle.

    For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

    Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
    God's love.

    Link to buy Be Loved Beloved on Kindle

    If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

    Buy the paperback on Lulu

    Click to preview or BUY

    "One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

    Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

    • Meditation. In meditation we make time to listen to God.
    • Spiritual quotes are a powerful form of prayer.
      Meditating on a short quote can take us into an experience of Presence, and encourage us to listen to God rather than fill the space with our own talking.

    Prayer Advice

    FORUM - SHARE about your own spiritual journey and read what other visitors have said (There is no need to sign in or to leave your email address in order to comment.)

    Faith articles

    Be Loved

    15 Spiritual Love Poems
    God Love Self Love

    (by the author of

    For 14 years, Katherine was severely disabled with ME/CFS, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

    Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
    God's love.

    Download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

    Support independent publishing: Buy the paperback on Lulu.

    Click to preview or BUY
    the PAPERBACK of
    Be Loved Beloved


    Sometimes it can help to pray using someone else's words. It can remind you that you are not alone in the problem you experience and the solution you seek.

    It also reminds you that someone somewhere is praying for all God's children, and that includes you.

    I hope these inspirational prayers bless you.

    Please pray for me too :-)

    God blesses you and guides you.

    With the Love we are,


    Katherine T Owen, webmaster,
    Author of Be Loved, Beloved (Kindle)

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    My name is Katherine Owen.
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    © Katherine T Owen

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    Be Loved

    15 Spiritual Love Poems
    God Love Self Love

    (by the author of

    For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

    Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
    God's love.

    Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

    If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

    Buy the paperback on Lulu

    Click to preview or BUY
    the PAPERBACK of
    Be Loved Beloved

    "One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

    Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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