Jesus Heals the Sick

There are many stories in the Bible of when Jesus heals the sick.

In the faith article below I look at the story of when Jesus heals a man's absent son. I also give a list of some other examples of Jesus healing the sick.

Jesus stained glass windowJesus stained glass window, Bath Abbey, England, UK
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Heal My Disbelief

This is the story of healing in the Bible where a father asks for healing for his son. This is an example of distant healing in the Bible.

“A man in the crowd answered, “Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not.”...

...“But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”
“If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”
Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed,

“I do believe;
help me overcome my unbelief!””

(Mark 9:22-24, NIV Bible verses)

I found this example of faith healing so helpful and comforting.
By the time I came to study it, I had lived with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) for many years.
I did not have a situation that allowed me to rest and have a chance to recover in the natural way of things.
I didn't know if I had enough faith for God to heal me.

The father does not have total faith that Jesus can heal his son. Yet still his son is healed.

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Simple Prayer for Healing

"Lord, I believe. Heal my unbelief."

The above is a simple prayer for healing that we can say to ask God to teach us how to believe for healing.

What does this story of healing in the bible teach us about how to allow Jesus to heal us?

What does the man do to allow Jesus to heal his son?

  • He brings himself to where Jesus is. He makes the effort.
  • He asks for help.
  • He is motivated by love. He loves his son and wants his son to live.
  • He is willing to believe and asks God to help him believe.

Questions For Healing

Stop and answer the following:

  • Will you ask Jesus to come to you?
  • Will you ask Jesus for help?
  • Do you love yourself enough to want to receive healing?
  • Do you believe that healing would be good for you?
  • Are you willing to believe that God or Jesus can heal you?

If you answered yes to these questions of faith, you may want to stop and say the following short prayer for healing:

Prayer for Healing And Faith For Yourself

Dear Jesus,

I am willing to have total faith that you can and will heal me.
I want to have total faith, I choose faith.
And so I say:

I have total faith that you can and will heal me .
I make the effort to bring myself to you.
I believe.
Heal me of my unbelief.
Thank you Jesus.


This prayer for healing can also be said to raise your faith for healing for another person. I have just said this prayer for a friend.

Prayer for Healing your Child

Dear Jesus,

I am willing to have total faith that you can and will heal my child (the person I bring to you now).
I want to have total faith, I choose faith.
And so I say:

I have total faith that you can and will heal my child(the person I bring to you now).
I make the effort to bring my child (this person) to you.
I believe.
Heal me of my unbelief.
Thank you Jesus.


To claim healing through healing scriptures, there is an excellent book available: Healing The Sick by T J Osborn. It played a part in raising my faith for healing.

This book assumes that you find truth in the Bible and that you are willing to believe Jesus heals today - it is full on Christianity, so it will not be for everyone who comes to these pages.

Two Christians I know found it simplistic and preachy at first. They then “just happened” to look at it at a later date and it helped them build their faith for healing. One went on to receive dramatic healing. Another received significant healing.

Click though to buy Healing the Sick from the Amazon online bookstore.

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Any time you buy an Amazon book through this website I get a small commission which goes towards running the website. (You pay the same price).
Thank you so much.

Examples in the Bible of Jesus healing the sick

These other stories of Jesus healing the sick are discussed on this spirituality website:

Some other examples:

  • Jesus restores the sight of the blind man Bartimaeus.
    Mark 10:46
  • The man who lives in the tomb experiences the casting out of demons.
    Mark 5.
  • The boy's funeral where the mother has no one to care for her. Jesus brings the boy back from the dead.
    Luke 7:14

Parents ask and Jesus heals a child:

  • The daughter of the Syrophoenician woman. Just as the father asks for healing for his son, so a mother asks for healing for her daughter.
    Again the child receives distant healing.
    Mark 7:26
  • The daughter of Jairus.
    Jesus brings her back from the dead.
    Mark 5:22 and Luke 8:50

Self Healing In The Bible or God Healing?

A visitor to this spiritual website queried an occasion when I used the words self healing.

My intention through faith for healing, faith in God and mind discipline, is to create a space within which God can heal me - the healing is from God not from me.

However, as the stories of Jesus healing in the bible above demonstrate, we play an active part in our healing. It is our responsibility to open the door to the healing available from God, Jesus, the Universe, the All That Is.

In this sense we are engaged in self-healing. I am happy to use both sets of language.

Relevant Spirituality Articles on this website

Or click on the link below to move to a full list of healing Bible verses on this spiritual website.

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

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"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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