Spirituality Blog - Practical spiritual and healing advice

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Welcome! This spirituality blog shares practical advice for the journey of faith and healing.

Many pages will interest anyone going deeper in their faith commitment and exploration.
You will find articles on prayer, meditation, forgiveness, abundance, love and finding peace.

Other pages are especially relevant to those of you living with illness or difficulties.
Many articles help you with self acceptance and with learning to draw on a strength beyond yourself. There are articles on psychology self help, including those to help you heal the past.

I was bedbound for 14 years with severe CFS / ME. By learning to depend on God, I survived and recovered to walk and talk again.
My journey of faith and healing continues.

There is one page devoted to CFS blogs but all other articles on living with illness apply to any of the chronic illnesses.

 free_forgiveness_ebook I am a Christian Mystic, a student of A Course In Miracles and an NLP practitioner.
I have a passion for celebrating the unity of experience of God, found in both the spiritual and religious. I promote unity consciousness.

I have been running the website since 2010. It contains about 200 articles along with a similar number of visitor contributions.
I still consider myself a novice in the world of the internet which I only accessed in 2009 after my vision improved. It has been a steep and enjoyable learning curve!

The blogs below show you the most recent information added to or updated on A-Spiritual-Journey-of-Healing.com.

The spirituality blogs include submissions of spiritual poems by visitors to a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com.

Thank you for being here.
Whether for today, or in the years to come, it is a joy to be a part of your journey –
THE Journey without distance to the place we have never left.

God loves you and blesses you.

With the Love we are, will be and always have been,


Katherine T Owen, poet and author
Move from Spirituality Blog to read about Katherine's book, It's OK to Believe

Jul 06, 2024

Prayer for Housing –need a home, accommodation, or to feel at home?

new home bible verse card zazzle

Prayer for Housing. An accommodation need? Not at home with your feelings or thoughts? Includes prayer for Ukranian refugees and those w chronic illness.

Continue reading "Prayer for Housing –need a home, accommodation, or to feel at home?"

Jun 24, 2024

Prayer For Peace Of Mind - Psalm 91 to ease negative thoughts


Do you suffer with negative thoughts? I used Psalm 91 as a prayer for peace of mind. I give an explanation and interpretation of its meaning and link to other non biblical prayers for inner peace.

Continue reading "Prayer For Peace Of Mind - Psalm 91 to ease negative thoughts"

Jun 18, 2024

Spiritual Quotes About Rest - I rest in God


Spiritual quotes about rest. A simple powerful quote can allow us to find a moment of inner peace. We rest in God - the love that lies behind this world. ACIM and Bible verses.

Continue reading "Spiritual Quotes About Rest - I rest in God"

Jun 10, 2024

Why Do We Pray? - Reasons, Motivations, Benefits of Prayer

why do we pray

Why do we pray? The benefits of prayer include to lose myself in Oneness with God. Unity consciousness. I receive Gods love. Are you there God we ask? A list of reasons for prayer...

Continue reading "Why Do We Pray? - Reasons, Motivations, Benefits of Prayer"

Mar 31, 2024

Psalm 91 Prayer For Protection In Hard Times

psalm 91

I prayed the Psalm 91 prayer for protection in hard times, for strength. Words of. Interpretation. What is the meaning of this psalm? Adapted version.

Continue reading "Psalm 91 Prayer For Protection In Hard Times"

Mar 13, 2024

Jesus Christ Crucifixion Poem– Crown of thorns, Carrying the cross


Easter Jesus.powerful poem. Scourging at the pillar, crown of thorns. Jesus carries the cross. Jesus Christ crucifixion. Based on St Matthew’s gospel.

Continue reading "Jesus Christ Crucifixion Poem– Crown of thorns, Carrying the cross"

Jan 27, 2024

ME/ CFS and Spirituality - A Journey

cfs and spirituality

ME/ CFS and spirituality. I needed strength beyond my own to help me survive, find peace and hopefully recover. Advice on a practical spirituality when living with chronic illness.

Continue reading "ME/ CFS and Spirituality - A Journey"

Jan 26, 2024

Recovery from ME/CFS - Spirituality and Mind Body Link


I had severe ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) for 14 years. My M.E. recovery. Mind body spirit. Healing. Journey with spirituality, God and faith.

Continue reading "Recovery from ME/CFS - Spirituality and Mind Body Link"

Jan 23, 2024

Science vs Religion Argument - creationism and the burden of proof

religion science quote

In the science vs religion argument, evolution and proof are often discussed. I was taught evolution in a catholic school. And it is not scientific to say there is no God. Where is the proof?

Continue reading "Science vs Religion Argument - creationism and the burden of proof"

Jan 11, 2024

I Choose Life Or Death Scripture – Blessing Not Cursing Bible Verse

i choose life scripture

I found myself thinking thoughts of death and I replaced them with I choose life, I choose blessings. Where to find the bible scripture verse for choosing life or death, blessing or cursing.

Continue reading "I Choose Life Or Death Scripture – Blessing Not Cursing Bible Verse"

Dec 12, 2023

Christmas A Course In Miracles - alternative esoteric message


Christmas A Course In Miracles. Quotes. Christ is born in each of us. Alternative esoteric message.

Continue reading "Christmas A Course In Miracles - alternative esoteric message"

Nov 16, 2023

Fear and Faith are both part of the spiritual journey

perfectlove fear

Fear and faith are both part of going deeper in our spirituality. The letters FEAR stand for false evidence appearing real and help us overcome fear. God’s love is the true reality. Bless you.

Continue reading "Fear and Faith are both part of the spiritual journey"

Nov 14, 2023

Holy Spirit Prayer – How to Invite the Holy Spirit

HgSt Holy spirit prayer card

We pray the powerful Come Holy Spirit prayer to invite God into our life. 2002 when still disabled, I had a joyful overpowering experience of the Holy Spirit. Bible verse origin.

Continue reading "Holy Spirit Prayer – How to Invite the Holy Spirit"

Nov 09, 2023

Prayer for a Terrorist - love, provision, unity bring transformation

prayer for a terrorist

Prayer for a terrorist. We pray for the one contemplating violence, the bully, the invader. We pray to identify the attacker within our own mind and let go of their influence. Peace.

Continue reading "Prayer for a Terrorist - love, provision, unity bring transformation"

Oct 20, 2023

Prayers For Relaxation and Rest help us to breathe and find peace

prayer for relaxation

Spirituality tells us we already rest in God. Spiritual relaxation techniques include prayers for relaxation and rest. They help remove the blocks to awareness of our inner peace

Continue reading "Prayers For Relaxation and Rest help us to breathe and find peace"

Sep 20, 2023

Rooted in God – A Prayer To Know God's Love


In a time of physical and emotional stress, I said a prayer to be rooted in God s marvellous love. I definitely needed a source of strength outside and within myself.

Continue reading "Rooted in God – A Prayer To Know God's Love"

Sep 17, 2023

Religion Versus Science. More in common than we think?

awe loses the self

Is it always religion versus science, or do the two have more in common than we tend to think?

Continue reading "Religion Versus Science. More in common than we think?"

Sep 14, 2023

Prayer For Leaders and Leadership

leadership stuart rosen

Prayer for leaders to receive love and spiritual guidance. Leadership prayers. Thanksgiving for leaders. How to pray for bad leaders. Pray to be a good leader.

Continue reading "Prayer For Leaders and Leadership"

Aug 26, 2023

Prayer for Self Forgiveness. Does God forgive? Yes.

self forgiveness quote kto

Prayer for Self Forgiveness. Does God forgive. Yes! Includes child's prayer for forgiveness.

Continue reading "Prayer for Self Forgiveness. Does God forgive? Yes. "

Jul 23, 2023

Jesus Heals the Sick - the boy whose father says I believe

jesus stained glass window

The story of how Jesus heals the sick boy when his father chooses to believe it is possible. Links to other stories of healing in the Bible.

Continue reading "Jesus Heals the Sick - the boy whose father says I believe"

Cover for the forgiveness book available as a pdf via this website.

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With love, Katherine

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My name is Katherine Owen.
Please respect my copyright as the author of this website.
I am delighted if you choose to share on social media, but please do NOT reproduce any of the contents of this page without permission.
© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Buy the paperback on Lulu

Click to preview or BUY
Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

What's New?

  1. Prayer for Housing –need a home, accommodation, or to feel at home?

    new home bible verse card zazzle
    Prayer for Housing. An accommodation need? Not at home with your feelings or thoughts? Includes prayer for Ukranian refugees and those w chronic illness.

    Read More

  2. Prayer For Peace Of Mind - Psalm 91 to ease negative thoughts

    Do you suffer with negative thoughts? I used Psalm 91 as a prayer for peace of mind. I give an explanation and interpretation of its meaning and link to other non biblical prayers for inner peace.

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