Fear And Faith

perfect love casts out fear, based on bible verse

Spirituality and fear

If you are going deeper with your spirituality, both fear and faith will be a part of your marvellous journey.

The spiritual journey is one in which we allow God or Spirit to lead us.

It is a journey in which we are invited to let go of attachment to anything that we value more than the spiritual connection. This can mean there are times of perceived loss.

A moment of spiritual surrender is often a moment of bliss or peace, but the moment before it happens can be a moment of fear as we wonder what will happen. It can feel like a risk to hand over our lives to God.

For all these reasons, in my view, a person of faith is less likely to live a comfortable and predictable life than someone who walks only in this world.

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With love, Katherine

Fear and faith in response to a challenge in your life

Fear may accompany many different life challenges, especially if a series of difficult events leaves you facing an uncertain future.

As people of faith, we can use such challenges as an invitation to put our roots down into God's love.

Through our spirituality, we can find a stability in a time of change.

I breathe out fear.
I let it go.

I breathe in LOVE

I let it in

Fear and illness

My main life challenge has been to live with the severe chronic illness (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /CFS).

Fear and illness often go hand in hand.

It is natural at times to feel more fear as we imagine what a symptom means or how long it will last.

Again, we can call on God in such times to be our stability.

We can allow God to be the rock on which we build our lives.

fear and faith bible verse

Fear vs faith - how are they similar, how are they different?

Fear Definition: Fear is when we react to an undesired event as though it is already happening.

Now, let us consider a similar definition of faith:

Faith Definition: Faith is when we react to a desired event as though it is already happening.

This is such an important definition of faith that it is worth repeating:
Faith is when we react to a desired event as though it is already happening.”

Terms for the practice of faith for an outcome are as follows:

  • The Law of attraction 
  • Walking by faith and not by sight

With both fear and faith we feel the way we would if something that has not yet happened is already happening.

If we are an expert at fear, we can learn to be an expert at faith.
It is the same skill directed differently!

How to meet fear with faith

Action point:

Do not try to get rid of fear, or try to stop it, or make yourself wrong for feeling it. 

There's a good chance if you are choosing to read an article on fear and faith that you are already set up to meet fear in one the ways stated above. I know I am. 

Instead, when fear arises, be willing to notice it and name it.

Be willing to love yourself complete with any feeling of fear. 

Or you might prefer this language:
be willing to be loved complete with any feeling of fear.

Now gently direct your thoughts towards calm and peace - a place of faith.

You can choose to let fear be and believe in a God, a Love, that feels no fear of your fear, and no disapproval.
In your moment of fear God holds you in a place of profound safety.

Be willing to get a sense that God is safe.

Locate yourself with and in God.

Let God's safety comfort you. 

As a sense of safety arrives, fear leaves. 

In close proximity, you have felt both fear and faith.
You have let go of a little of your fear of fear by knowing that you can meet it in a new way, by your willingness to know that God's love is so much greater.

How do the letters F.E.A.R help us to move from fear to faith?

Fear vs faith

What do the letters FEAR stand for....?

What do the letters FAITH stand for....?



estifies to

fear and faith as acronyms

Invitation (Inclusion)
Testifies to

Dear God, 
I fervently and actively invite you into and include you in this moment of my life. 
You are GOODNESS. 
Behind the circumstances of my life you still are  here and you still are LOVE.
I choose to believe this.

Whatever fear rises in you today, I pray for God's love to enfold you and remind you that you are Love itself.

Please say this prayer for me too :-)

Dear God,

Your perfect love casts out our fear.

Thank you.


This little prayer to overcome fear is based on the following bible verse about fear.

“... perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.”
(1 John 4:18, NIV)

With the Love we are,


Katherine T Owen, webmaster,
Author of Be Loved, Beloved (Kindle)

Owner of the Zazzle HealingStore - Add your name or favourite quote to delightful gifts many on the theme of spirituality and healing. All funds help to run this spiritual website. Thank you!

Articles relevant to Fear and Faith

What is faith anyway? Move to read an article on Faith Definition.

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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