John Wesley - Qualities Of A Life Lived in God

by Shaun Butler
(Swindon, Wiltshire, UK)

John Wesley, while studying and contemplating his theological doctrines at Oxford would rise early every morning celebrating the glory and mystery of a new day.

A fresh chance.
A new dawn.
Another blank page whereby what went before was a lesson learnt and what matters is the "now". At first he did this on his own, later with friends as a "Holy Club".

He relied and trusted God to give him the tools and the opportunity to share his god-given abilities and vitality to help or just listen to anybody he met during that day.

He would praise God for the super natural beauty of the world, give thanks for simple pleasures like eating, meeting and greeting friends and making new acquaintances.

Accepting voluntary gifts and staying with fellow believers, his whole life and work was a refreshing, joyous donation of his spirit in the service of God.

He enjoyed living, breathing, giving, receiving and most of all concentrated his undivided attention and time on soothing the souls of all who sought him out or when in his presence "knew" he was "of God". His aura of Love transmitted enthusiasm to them.

In his sermons he spoke a simple truth which made people trust again the gospel of a Good God who has saved you and me by replacing our guilt with his suffering Son*, Jesus Christ, our redeemer.

At the end of each day Wesley would review the events of the day.
Where he had helped he gave thanks for the opportunity to do good works.
Where he had not performed so well he forgave himself and promised to try harder, but always with hope in his heart, gladness of disposition and the thoughts and words of the Bible in mind.

When he died at a ripe old age his vision was of Jesus before him, content and at peace in the knowledge he had followed his conscience (Holy Spirit) to better
Himself and all he had known, anticipating reception into the bosom of a greater Good.

Note from Katherine T Owen

This is beautiful Shaun, and the answer to my request to the Universe to tell me a little more of John Wesley. He sounds like a wonderful man and servant of God.

I love the way you have weaved through it so many qualities we practise on the spiritual journey, and so many gifts of the Holy Spirit we receive. I thought I would note some of the beautiful words you use:
celebrating, relied on and trusted God, share, praise, receiving, soothing, accepting, aura of Love, simple truth, opportunity, he forgave himself, vision, at peace.

Methodism is one denomination that I know little about, so it is good to know more. In the village of Wroughton where I live, the Methodists have a reknowned Soup and Pudding event, but unfortunately I have missed it for this year!

* Just a clarification. I am not a traditional Christian. For me, it is not Jesus’ suffering that leads us to redemption, but the resurrection – or more specifically, the way in which Jesus calls on Light in the Dark of the crucifixion, and holds to the Truth and Reality of Love. I do not believe in a God that calls us to suffer.

Thank you so much Shaun. You write beautifully.

With the Love we are,

Comments for John Wesley - Qualities Of A Life Lived in God

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Mar 25, 2011
Thank you for directing my attention to gifts
by: Barbara Helynn Heard

Aloha Shaun,

Thank you for your description of John Wesley. It is just the boost I need this morning to refocus my attention on gifts and to not get stuck in discontent.

And thank you too Katherine for your clarification msg about the gift Jesus offered us, from your point of view. Your clarification helps me helps me be clearer, and to breath more easily.

warm wishes to you both,

Barbara Helynn Heard

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