My Miracle - Healing From Tinnitus

by Keith
(Reading, England)

I had a miracle Katherine... a dramatic one!
With Love,
Katherine T Owen

I took hammer drill damage to my right ear in 1998. It left me with Tinnitus, an 'incurable' ringing in my ear, plus about a 50% loss of hearing in that ear. I got used to it and accepted it...

Meditation and Healing

On this particular afternoon in Feb 2010 I meditated as usual, visualising myself expanding out to be bigger than the universe as I often did. During this particular session I felt like I had been flooded with energy, as if energy had been rained down on me. It was amazing! I then went to bed that night as normal.

Click to read the rest of this miracle healing tinnitus story at

Comments for My Miracle - Healing From Tinnitus

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Tinnitus Healing
by: Carmel

Hi, I have tinnitus in both ears especially in my left ear - love your website, it speaks to the truth in me.

Please could somebody who is aware send me healing, light and God's Blessing.
Would love to hear from someone - I am also deaf and thank God I have hearing aids.
Would just love some positive feedback from someone, thank you.

Prayer for healing deafness
by: Katherine T Owen, author of this website

Dear Carmel,
Thank you for your kind words.
My goodness, that seems tough to be deaf have tinnitus.
I have sat and sent you blessings, and see you shining in the Light that you are.

Prayer for healing deafness

Dear God,

I raise this beautiful child of yours to you in faith.

I pray that her tinnitus is removed now.
I pray that any blocks to her receiving her hearing are removed now.

I pray that if there is any thing it has been unpleasant for her to hear in the past, anything that has been said to her, perhaps at an age when it was not safe to hear, that you provide in her life the internal and external support that makes it safe for her to hear these words.
Let her know in the depths of her being that the words of anyone other than Yourself never did and never will reflect upon her worth.
She is as you created her.

I pray that she may know her innocence in your eyes, and receive a powerful revelation of your love for her.

May she hear your still small voice speak louder and louder.

As long as the deafness remains we offer it up in service to you, to allow her to be a channel for your voice, less distracted by the world than she might otherwise be.

And when this condition goes, may she be able to watch it leave, knowing that it does not and never has defined her and that she no longer needs it.

Carmel, I see you full of God’s healing light. I invite anyone who reads this to join me in seeing you healed.
I ask you also to pray too for my health.

If you haven't done so, along with Keith's visualisation which clearly spoke to you, you might want to read the Scriptures on healing on this site.

With the Love we are,

Alternative healing through belief change
by: Keith

Dear Carmel,
How can I follow such a beautiful heartfelt prayer by Katherine? I wish my heart was that way.
Mine is much more gritty, uncompromising, and relentless in it's search for understanding physical existence....

I used to wonder why I was so unhealthy. At the point of my awakening I had numerous chronic health problems. But I watched as they literally fell away 1 by 1 as I delved deeper into my inner reality.

I now understand absolutely that the physical expression of a disorder is always an effect of an inner condition. The cause needs to be only recognised in order for the opportunity for remembrance to be realised and the symptoms (the reflection) to dissolve. Inner reality is primary, outer reality is secondary...always.

I also know that any attempt to correct physical disorder on the physical level is almost always futile. You may be able to achieve results, or even a cure! but if the underlying sub-conscious belief is not witnessed and released then the negative belief will seek an alternative expression, maybe as a recurrence, or even as a different expression of illness altogether.

I'm not saying to not seek medical attention as it can really alleviate symptoms and make a huge difference, but to REALLY HEAL your self you need alternative healing.

Look within.
Ask and remember.
Be courageous as you allow what surfaces to reveal itself.
Do not judge it.
Do not even attempt to heal it.
Reality is reflective.
The simple recognition invites the miracle...that is enough.
To understand the Truth within your mind allows the reflection of Truth in your body, your natural state, as perfection. No effort is necessary.

For a while I thought I was experiencing miracles. Now I think of how miraculously powerful my mind is that it is able to project my inner unrealistic beliefs about my self onto the outer surface of my physical expression, and then also to overcome them!

With Love to you all,


Thank you Katherine & Keith
by: Carmel

Dear Katherine Keith,

Thank you for your encouraging words - beautiful.

Keith you see the beauty in Katherine's words to me because they are in yourself - they are your own reflection.

I hear and understand what you say but it is not easy when we are experiencing the discomfort (noise in my ears and head). I have no ear drums and am deaf - so the noise can be bad at times but thank God for the times that I get relief - this is a condition I have since childhood.

Enough about me, this is a great website - there is everything in it. I have read all the books Eckhart Tolle has written and find them very good - so I can understand what you say and all that is on this website. I know that I am a spiritual being having a physical experience on this planet but sometimes it is not easy living in the physical.

Have you ever listened to Mooji on Youtube - he is good but sometimes I can go off him - too much of him can do my head in.

I have a friend who has died to self and he lives in bliss, feelings still come up in him but they just go through his body. He tells me it is all just energy living his body. I go to him for sessions when I have stuck energy and he always brings me back to the core of the issue, that is blocked energy in me.

He always did and still does spend a lot of time in Silence, just Being with the life (breath). He lives totally in the Present Moment - never in the past or future. When I am with him he is totally present to me.
It is an experience to be in his company because I am with the Presence in him - not the human just the Being. If you can understand what I mean.
We are human beings but we need to be more just Being!!

Even sending this helps me with the noise in my ears - thanks for listening to me.

Katherine be sure of my prayers for you and you to Keith.
We will keep each other in prayer.
You are both so blessed.

In reply
by: Keith

Hi folks, sorry but I was away for a few days in Spain...back now though.

Carmel...You said:
'Keith you see the beauty in Katherine's words to me because they are in yourself - they are your own reflection'
Thank you for that. I needed that reminder. I find I only seem to recognise the negative reflections and relate them to my self. I never seem to think about the positive ones. How strange that I didn't notice!

'I hear and understand what you say but it is not easy when we are experiencing the discomfort (noise in my ears and head). I have no ear drums and am deaf - so the noise can be bad at times but thank God for the times that I get relief - this is a condition I have since childhood'
Was it from birth?

I try to live in the certainty that I am not experiencing Life, that Life is experiencing itself, through me.

This is especially important with physical difficulties. It confirms my connection to everything and loosens my minds insistence on its own importance and reality as a suffering individual. The reflection of that expansion of my sense of being has been...well...I can only call it Relief.

It's as if my body sighs with relief as it says "Finally you idiot! Finally you're getting to grips with how it all works. Mind is the cause.... Physical the effect"

'Have you ever listened to Mooji on Youtube - he is good but sometimes I can go off him - too much of him can do my head in.'

I have seen a couple of his videos. I like Bashar. Have you noticed how the message is always the same? The truth is the truth wherever you get it from.

Your friend who has died to his self is very fortunate.
'He tells me it is all just energy living his body. I go to him for sessions when I have stuck energy and he always brings me back to the core of the issue, that is blocked energy in me'

And he would be right, but remember Carmel, He is You and You are Him! There is no separation or difference between all things, only levels of particle density which create the illusion.

You create him in your Universe in order to confirm your own feelings of weakness and pass all power on to him.
Go to him for sessions by all means but go purely out of Love and the sense of connection, not because you believe he is anywhere you are not, or has abilities which seem to you to be elusive. You are your ultimate healer!

If he removes your energy blockages you will experience relief but they will almost always reappear if you fail to treat them at source by coming to terms with the reason for their creation, i.e. the problem or belief in your mind.

'Even sending this helps me with the noise in my ears - thanks for listening to me'
No, No, Thank you....and you Katherine.

Love and blessings to you all.

It was a miracle that I came to this website.
by: Joseph

In my search engine I typed in "how do ypu tell the difference between a spiritual download and tinnitus?" If I would have spelled it correctly; your website would not have been first on the list. Thank you.

From Katherine T Owen:
Welcome Joseph. So glad you found us.
May each of our steps be guided.

Pray for healing my tinnitus
by: jarrod

I WOULD LIKE SOMEONE TO PRAY FOR MY tinnitus if possible pleas send me some blessings anything is possible in Gods name.

Dear Jarrod, I have prayed and replied

Thank you for the reminder this morning that all things are possible in God's name.

God bless you.

pray for tinitus
by: Anonymous

Please could you pray for me. I have had disabling tinnitus for over 8 years. I am exhausted and desperate.

Thank you.

Note from webmaster Katherine:
You didn't leave your name. But my heart goes out to you.
This page has been moved to my other website, so please go through to read the prayer for tinnitus which I have just prayed for you.
God bless you and pour His love upon you.

Healing Tinnitus
by: Anonymous

With Love,
Katherine T Owen

Please please can you tell me how asking the tinnitus to go can make it go? Desperate since August need hope and prayer Loud party at back of my house started this nightmare

How did you exactly use quantum physics I don't understand all of this please.

Urgent. Desperate.


Dear Anonymous,
I don't have your email address to contact you, but please follow the links to the other website to read more from Keith on quantum physics. He has replied to you there.
Seeing you finding peace,

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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