To Kiss...

by Scott Hastie
(United Kingdom)

To kiss...

To kiss the fruit
And caress the flower,
To taste without tarnishing
Humble nature's natural dower,
In this sweet pursuit
I shall place my frail body
Till death's timely hour,
And do so
With only breath remaining
To wish that
Amidst the winds of the world,
It will not shake nor cower
In the face of quiet eternity.

© Scott Hastie All rights reserved.

tags: spiritual, poetry, flower, nature, death, eternity

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Immortal Soul - Metaphysical Poem

by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)

As ancient as time itself

is my immortal soul

descended indeed from the infinite bowl

of cosmic depths.

Before this ancient Earth was e'en born

I knew of many a wondrous splendid dawn

upon other worlds where every morn

sang of the glory of the most High,

as did all its peoples.

Before e'en this sun came into being

was I a living spark, a flame, dreaming

within the vast body universal

standing before the door

to other realms of radiant wonder.

And one day shall my soul know again

the glory of that celestial plane

and will that former, ancient wisdom regain.

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Immortality - A Spiritual Poem

by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)

Between life and "death"
is but the span of one breath.

Between one heartbeat and the next
the infinity of life is fixed.

Between the shafts of sunlight
and mystic pools of shadow
is born the light of tomorrow.

Between the rising and setting of the sun
the radiance of eternity is spun.

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Rhyming Couplets Spiritual Poem

by Terry A. Shuman
(U.S.A., Medina, Ohio)


A tabula rasa, John Locke has said
Conjoins with every newborn soul,
And, by the time it can be read,
Is ill perceived as someone’s “whole.”

Yet, as the years of life fly by,
Each human learns that deep inside
Exists a force which cannot die,
Despite what selfish fears deride.

For knowledge and the soul remain
As constants for eternity;
Transmuted from the heart and brain
As echoes of reality.

‘Tis knowing what one cannot know,
And rowing far from charted shores,
While blinding gale force winds still blow,
That sharpens vision all the more.

While in this world of eye-blink breadth,
Should one confuse or misconstrue
What happens at the point of death,
‘Twill matter not their point of view.

(Poem Copywrited © by Terry A. Shuman)’s Choice of Books Of Spiritual Poems

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Tags: spiritual poem, spiritual journey, constant, exploration, soul, well written, rhyming couplets, iambic quadrameter

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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