Short powerful faith poems

by Suzy Musser
(Miles City, Montana USA)




One Heart

One heart
lifted holy hands
touching the lips of God
with the sacred nectar
of praise.

tags: short faith poems, powerful, spiritual, spirituality

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Rock of Faith poem

by Glenn Johnson
(Tucson, Arizona)

When Did the Light Fade

When did the light fade?
as I slipped beneath night's raging ocean
to awaken again on the rock of faith . . .

When did I lose myself?
as I slipped between my cracks of Your love . . .
to awaken again on the rock of faith . . .

When did I walk alone?
as I slipped past the spirit, now the ghost of life’s joy. . .
to awaken again on the rock of faith . . .

When did I grieve alone?
as I slipped past her death mask . . .
to awaken again on the rock of faith . . .

When did I sleep alone?
as I slipped into a dream that still you were here . . .
to awaken again on the rock of faith . . .

When did I pray alone?
as I drifted, drifted, drifted, drifted . . .
to awaken again on the rock of faith . . .

When will I truly see?
as I weep, eyes knowing not where to turn . . .
to awaken again on the rock of faith . . .

When will I stop asking “when?”
as I watch my life slip away . . .
to awaken again on the rock of faith . . .

Will I sleep?
Will this faith lead to an eternal home?
to never again awaken on a rock.

Move to an article on Living with Fear and Illness

tags: rock, faith, doubt, poem, alone, god is with me, spirituality

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Beyond These Walls
(A Prayer Poem For Faith In Difficult Times)

by Mr. Terry A. Shuman
(Medina, Ohio)

Eternal Father, holder of the only Truth there is,
Please hold my trembling hands tonight; make finite, my
Give me strength, when I am weak, and vision, when I'm
Restore my faith in your undying love for all mankind.

Take away my fears and tears, and grant me peaceful
Where there's no panic, pain, or death; just placid
plants and streams.
When I am forced to focus on this path I cannot trade,
Help me see the footprints there, which those before me

For Life's a spacious room in which I make some memories
With other souls who lend their hands for weaving
That cover every wall I see, promoting the belief
That this room's all I'll ever see, and that there's no

So, help me, God, to know the truth: that just beyond
my room,
There is a walless cosmos where there is no gloom or
Just endless, timeless, formless love, that welcomes me
to stay,
And instantly transports me to an 'a priori' day.

A day I can't remember now, for there was no time or
No human bonds to help me better recognize a face;
A timeless universe of love, where formless souls
And wait their turn to share a room, whenever You

Dear God, I thank you for my life, for all my
'roommates' too;
And if I'm bound to suffer, help me place my trust in
For, while I am still in my room, it's hard to
The joy and bliss that waits for me beyond where these
walls end.

Poem Written and © By Terry A. Shuman, Medina, Ohio

The author of this website was severely disabled with CFS/ME for 17 years. Her book takes the reader with her on the journey to build our faith in God to survive difficult (and easy) times.

Click to see praise for Katherine T Owen’s book of It's OK to Believe – A Journey with Faith and Reason.

Comments for Beyond These Walls
(A Prayer Poem For Faith In Difficult Times)

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Marlborough LitFest
by: Shaun

I'd like to perform 'Beyond These Walls' at Marlborough LitFest Open Mic in the Green Dragon 5pm. Saturday 28th September 2024.
The words are so inspiring.
Truly gives shivers of prayerful joy despite all we see & hear around.
Milton & Blake would surely approve.

God Bless our journey of Faith xx

Amazing poem
by: Corey Burkhead

I'm trying to reach the writer. This poem has touched me very much. I am a videographer at my church in Louisville, KY. I would love it if I could have the rights to use this poem in a video. It's something that has truly inspired me that I would like to share with others. Of course the writer would be given credit as they so much deserve. Please get back to me. You can find me on facebook/instagram/twitter by just putting in my name.

Thank you. I hope to hear from you.

Katherine here.
I will send Terry an email and pass on your request.
I am so glad you found this "amazing poem" - it is an apt description.

Update: Terry to Katherine
Corey did, in fact, call me on the phone, God Bless him, and I sent a copy of the poem to him in Kentucky. This is why God's words, through our pens, make a difference, yes? As always, thank you again for the wonderful blessing of your spiritually driven website and for the Christian love that has always illuminated the multiple pathways toward healing for those in need. God Bless you, dear woman.
Terry A. Shuman

From Corey to a-spiritual-journey-of healing some time later :-)

Thanks so much for the inspiration.

You can check out the video right here:

Inspirational Poem About Faith In Difficult Times
by: Ian Moore

This poem was truly inspiring to read. Thank you for this submission and may God bless you and your friends and family with his infinite glory!

Poet's Nook
by: Katherine T Owen

Dear Floriana,
Clealry, you have done something beautiful in setting up Poet's Nook.

It is such a positive thing to nurture our creativity and the creativity of others.


Terry Shuman
by: Floriana Hall

Terry Shuman is a wonderful poet who is a member of The Poet's Nook, the group which I founded and coordinate each month. His poetry is very moving and it shows his compassion and caring nature in difficult times. He has been through a lot of trauma and keeps the faith in his current sorrowful journey. Prayer and hope never leave those who believe.

For Those Frightened By Illness
by: Terry A. Shuman

What kind and insightful comments regarding my prayer. The poem was written on behalf of my 42 year old son who has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) for more than a full year now.

He prays it daily, and I truly thought that maybe some others who may be as frightened, anxious, or even angry, about their own physical conditions might find solace and/or inspiration in the words and imagery.

Thanks for accepting it, for your kind words, and, again, for the mission you have undertaken so effectively and spiritually.

Respectfully, and gratefully,

Terry Shuman

A Modern Day Psalm - Suffering and Hope
by: Katherine T Owen - Editor

I am getting shivers - shivers in the presence of God - from the beauty of your prayer poem.
It speaks so clearly of the layer of perfection that lies beyond this apparent reality.
It calls so eloquently for God to reveal His Love to us.

Terry, thank you so much for submitting this poem to the site. It is such a contribution for a site on spirituality and healing. Illness is so convincing, and it feels like hard work to build our faith in the reality of the Love that lies beyond it (“the only Truth there is”). We can feel so alone when we are suffering. Your prayer poem will help people to know they are not alone. It is a modern day psalm, which speaks to the human experience of suffering, and calls for the solution of faith and trust to lead us through.

I don't know what you have been through Terry that gives you this knowledge both of suffering and joy, but it brings to mind a Bible quote that I often said when ill.

“But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. ”
(Job 23:10, KJV Bible)

To all who read this:
You are coming forth as gold.

God Blesses you,


(Writer of

PS. Thank you also for the kind comments you have sent me separately. They mean so much.

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Poem of Doubt and Faith

by Chris Roe


In the silence
The clarity of your voice,
Climbs high
Upon the eagle's wings.
The chains of doubt
That imprison my soul,
Fall away beneath my feet.
In the freedom and majesty
Of the sentinel’s gaze,
Faith is strengthened
And hope returned
To a weary heart,
Upon the silent flight
Of eagle's wings.

Note from webmaster of, Katherine T Owen

Dear Chris,
Thank you so much for your powerful poem of faith - those moments when the doubt falls away.

It also reminds me of the following scripture.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings as eagles.
They shall run and not be weary.
They shall walk and not faint.”
(Isaiah 40:31, KJV)

...and reminds me also of Psalm 91 .

"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust:"

Thank you for the reminder.
Bless your day,

Move to read about a book of poems about faith and reason by the author of this website.

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Where Are You Lord? - A Modern Psalm of Anguish and Relief

by shaun
(swindon, UK)

Are you in the veins,
or in the spine of this old book?
Did you assert yourself in my brain
or leave me with confusion and despair in my head!

Why do you hide my Lord?
Surely a glorious entry into sunshine would befit a king
In the kingdom of mankind!
And in your silence
To my questions
Are you to my troubles deaf?

What happens to my prayer Lord?
Does it, like some of your seed
Fall on stony ground?
Are you as callous as some say?
Do you terrorise
Into submission. Will I dance
An unnatural tune, with the dead?

(And this is what the Lord says)

Where are you my son?
Here I am Lord.
Go down to the water
And pour a libation over yourself.

Then dress yourself in your best clothes.
Behave suitably and show
A.n.other you care for their time, their trouble.

Be in the world what you would, if you could
Choose in ecstacy.
My perfect friend.
Be ware of the sick, the lame...and
Go out and lead

By your most fervent faith
Lead gentle light
Be glad for the chance,
The inspiration ~ lucky to serve

And when you can say this is all to you.
This life a charm to you,
Kindness disarming you;
Love and forgiveness;
Strength everlasting
Will reach you and flow from you
Into the streams of the know.

I am your God,
You are my child,
And I love you.


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Poem of Faith

by Terry A. Shuman
(Medina, Ohio (U.S.A.))

True Faith

How dastardly the winds of fate
Can heartlessly destroy and maim,
Constricting lives with crushing weight,
Without the slightest hint of shame.

How dauntlessly we thrust our chins,
Assuming a defensive stance,
As we attempt to change the winds
That castigate with wrathful chants.

How endless seems our agony;
How quickly we would sacrifice
Our own well being, just to be
Controller of the tumbling dice.

How helplessly we tumble, while
Control escapes our striving grip,
And teases us with wanton guile,
As seagulls would a sinking ship.

Yet, hopeless as our plight may seem,
And black as night, our days may be,
We all shall 'waken from this dream
To find God's true reality.

Please know that in these times of stress,
Forsaken as your heart may feel,
God's promised that He'll always bless
Those souls whose faith in Him is real.

A Poem Of Faith And Compassion, © Written By Terry A. Shuman,
Medina, Ohio on 9/20/11

Poems of faith from webmaster, Katherine T Owen:

A poem about overcoming resistance to God
Poems about religion

Note from webmaster of, Katherine T Owen

Dear Terry,
A beautiful poem. A perfect iambic quadrameter :-)

With the Love that sees us through, Katherine

Tags: poems of faith, iambic, rhyming, spiritual surrender, trust in the lord

Comments for Poem of Faith

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Thank you for words of encouragement
by: Katherine T Owen

Dear Terry,

Thank you so much for your words of spiritual encouragement.

They arrive at a moment in time when they are much needed, and will no doubt help speed me through into a sweeter place.

The following bible quotes also arrived in my email box a moment ago. I pass them on. Perhaps, since they have arrived at the same time, they are for you too. They seem relevant to a page on poems of faith and trust in hard times.

May your heart be always open to the strength of God and may you be filled with the peace that passes understanding,

With thanks and with the Love we are,

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we
will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.
(Psalm 46:1-3)

I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.
(Psalm 34:4)

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
(Isaiah 41:10)

With Gratitude and Humility
by: Terry A. Shuman

Dear Katherine,

Thanks so very much for accepting my poem and for your kind comments as well.

The indentations for the verses are totally inconsequential.

The poem represents an on-going attempt to reconcile our challenged faith when untreatable illnesses strike the righteous, the innocent, and the best of human kind. Often times, it is those who are healthy who suffer the most during these trying times.

May God continue to bless your life and your efforts to bring hope, inspiration, and guidance to those who are in need.

Take care,
Terry A. Shuman

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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