Self help fiction book on healing a broken heart

by Elisa Balabram
(Brooklyn, NY, USA)

Mending a Broken Heart: Lili's Magic Journey

This self help fiction ebook takes the reader on a self love and spiritual journey, as the heroine Lili goes through her own healing journey.

After having her heart broken by Prince Charming, Lili goes on a journey of self discovery and spiritual growth. She reaches out for help from friends and connects with her Higher Self and her guides.

Lili's magic journey takes her on new adventures and, more importantly, takes her deeper within to realize who she truly is, and to learn to fully embody her power.

Lili also teaches Love Classes and as you read them, you can follow the exercises to experience more self love in your life and to heal your own heart.

If you’ve ever experienced heart break, let Lili’s journey inspire you to create your own self love and healing adventure.

Click through to view or buy the self help ebook Mending a Broken Heart: Lili's Magic Journey from your local Amazon store.

(Note from Katherine, author of If you buy through my link I receive a small commission from your normal purchase price. Thank you so much.)

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Spiritual mystery novel

by Cynthia Rosi
(Columbus, Ohio)

The Light Catcher is a mystery novel with spiritual themes.

Note from Katherine T Owen: Coming back to this book review at a later date, I have found that the Light Catcher book is no longer available. I have contacted Cynthia. I will leave the article in the hope that the book returns to us!

Chantal, the strong female protagonist, grapples with the increased sensitivity that comes with psychic and spiritual awakening as she tries to figure out what’s gone wrong with the strange twins next door.

You’ll love The Light Catcher if you’re intrigued by paranormal experiences and you like a good mystery novel set in England's sacred sites.

This review of the book is by the author, Cynthia Rosi.

Buy the book at

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Review of Adam Bede by George Elliot - A Key to unlock Hearts

by Shaun
(Swindon, Wiltshire, UK, )

The beautiful George Elliot story "Adam Bede" contains some tender sentiments:

"Isn't the suffering less hard when you have somebody with you, that feels for you - that you can speak to and say what's in your heart?"

"If you could believe he loved you and would help you, as you believe I love you and will help you, it wouldn't be so hard to die, would it?"

The lead character in the story is a methodist lay preaching woman. Pretty, devoted to God, whose attachment to a practical, homely man grows from respect and admiration to a closeness which she es reluctant to admit into her heart. But our feelings will express the Art of God in manifesting His Passion for our happiness and peace of mind.

So in the end Adam gets his Eve back through the inevitability of their closeness and tender feelings of friendship and companionability.

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St Francis of Assisi Book

by Ayen
(London, Great Britain)

Book Review – Spiritual Fiction

Book Title: God’s pauper St Francis of Assisi

God’s pauper St Francis of Assisi is a work of spiritual fiction - a novel telling the story of a monk that once walked this earth written by Nikos Kazantzakis .

This book is the epitome of someone connected to nature, God and people.
It showed me how to be of service and still find joy in the most remote and mundane aspects of life.

For me it’s a story of recovery, gratitude and faith.

On page 89 St Francis says:
“The only joy in this world is to do God’s Will. Do you know why? Because what God wants, that, and only that is also what we want - But we don’t know it”…

This passage makes me think of the amount of times I have wanted something and missed Divine opportunities because my eyes were fixated somewhere else. It was a huge relief to know many divine opportunities were being born at every moment of the day and the road to recovery was mine to reclaim.

In this beautiful account of St Francis life my heart blossomed, although at times I was torn between pages at the savagery and cowardice that the human mind projects, it also enforced my belief in forgiveness.

Many lines made me come down to my knees and plead for sane moment of peace and quietness.

At times I would be absorbed into wonder as to what I can do to help alleviate their pain, and then I would close my eyes and remember the sweetness of quietness. I would read on in perfect knowing that there was no need for me to do anything and in trust that the pages would reveal to me the secrets of fear, poverty and sickness.

Each day I would read something that would gloat over me and without any thinking or action on my part I would be flooded with outbursts of joy and cry.

Finally I heard it too: I was safe, in search of peace and quietness. This is an awesome lesson of faith, gentleness and patience with oneself.

Infinite love and gratitude,

Comments for St Francis of Assisi Book

Note from

Dear Ayen,
What a beautiful book review. I will read this book.
Your account of reading the book is in itself the account of a spiritual journey.

Thank you so much. You have blessed my day with your account of surrender and willingness.

Move from Spiritual Fiction Reviews to read about a journey of Spiritual Surrender by myself, Katherine, the author of

St Francis, Divine Moments, by Robert Gresak

This reminds me of a time sitting in my office in the city center on a really rainy and dismal day
when suddenly a pidgeon alighted on the window sill, shook its feathers and preened looking directly at me and begun cooing mightily as if to cheer me up. What a lovely divine moment in time that was.

Also I remember another time while walking along a narrow street in the city overhung
with massive buildings and wishing I could get away from this concrete jungle into the countryside when I came upon a beautiful yellow flower sprouting from a crack in a wall near the pavement and stood amazed and entranced and subsequently uplifted by this further divine moment in time.

And what a lesson, the lesson of
perseverance, that little flower revealed to me.

Blessing of Divine Moments by Norma
And what a blessing Robert, that you are awake enough to recognize these divine moments, moments only spirit can see. A similar divine moment for me is England in February, I shiver and whither with the dark, cold days then behold little white heads (snowdrops) pop out from the hard ground looking so fresh and alive. They always make me smile and get a grip on myself. 'If something as delicate as snowdrops can brave the winter' I tell myself, 'I guess I can also'

tags: christian, spiritual fiction, nature, st francis

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Forgiveness Novel

by Dan Erickson
(Yakima, Washiington)

"A Train Called Forgiveness" is a novel based on reality.

The book follows the life of 20-something Andy Burden as he travels both physically and psychologically.

Andy was the child victim of a religious cult.
Throughout the story, Andy Burden learns to forgive the heinous cult leader of his youth.

Andy meets an array of interesting characters as he travels by train across the country. These characters all play a role in shaping Andy's understanding of forgiveness.

This book would be an excellent gift for anyone who has some history of abuse. Readers have said that the book is an emotionally powerful read that keeps them captivated.

Click here to buy this book on Amazon or read more about it.

(Note from Katherine, author of If you buy through my link I receive a small commission from your normal purchase price. Thank you so much.)

You can also learn more about the book and author at

Move to How To Forgive

Tags: cults, coming of age, forgiveness, forgiving our enemies, abuse, novel, book

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Spirituality Found In Hard Times

by Mike Scanlon (spiritual author)

Book Title: "The Path of Peter Smethurst: a 21st Century Pilgrim's Progress".

In this work of spiritual fiction Peter has difficulties growing up and he becomes self enclosed, thereby cutting himself off from the possibility of knowing himself and others.

The novel tells of his journey and how in the end he meets a happy ending for his troubles and becomes far greater than the suffering he had to endure.

People who feel they have a pronounced spiritual disposition might be interested in Peter's path to see what can happen, both bad and good.

The novel is intended for anyone on the spiritual journey.
It will however be of particular interest to some readers to know that the British character - like his author - ends up finding a guiding force for his spirituality in modern day Islam.

tags: modern, islam, spirituality, fiction, britain

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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