Last Times Poem

by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)


The banners of the army of light

have everywhere been unfurled,
the spirit of freedom-justice and goodwill
is racing round the world.
The malignant powers can no longer hide
as the powers for good gather force and will not be denied.

All over the Earth rage the storms of conflict
as evil strives – light and good to evict.
In every nation is chaos-destruction and conflagration,
ugliness-violence and hatred.
Negative forces are rampant and their goals
are ever the capture of men's souls.

Yet vast numbers arise in vehement protest
voicing their frustrations in an ocean of unrest.
I tell you – humanity on the whole is on the march
holding aloft truth, beauty and love's torch.
The choking smoke and fire of many a battle
still lie ahead
but the great numbers of illumined souls
WILL be divinely led.

Invisible ships
occupied space,
faraway children- came
to disgrace.
Reach out to your star
reach out to your own,
discerning eyes choose
who to bring home.

The earthquake rumbles
the planet is lost,
lonely man stumbles
such a price such a cost.
Tears fall down a questioning face...
Light appears

tags: spiritual, last times, change, chaos, end times, poetry, good will win

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Short poem on REBIRTH

by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)

He that enters into the shadow
of another's pain is nearer the mind of God
and nearer the morning,
than he who broods
on the darkness of his own night.

Louise Haskins


A wind has blown across the world
and tremors shake its frame,
new things are struggling to their birth
and nought shall be the same.
The Earth is weary of its past
of folly, hate and fear,
beyond the dark and stormy sky
the dawn of God is near.


tags: spiritual, god, hope, poetry, birth, new

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Poem about answering Love's call

by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)


All that is noble in the human spirit
is surely now being flame-writ
as many souls prepare to knit,
to blend with divine light their all;
to answer love’s eternal call.

The trait of true decency,
the balance of impartiality,
the calm grace of inner strength
signifies the great length
of such souls.

Godly power flows in full spate
annulling and cleansing the Earth of hate.
Come, come awakened soul
fill the bowl of your questing mind -
your blessed and open loving heart
walk the shining way and play your destined part.

Your nobility of heart and soul ablaze,
you draw those ready for Light’s ascended ways.
Be ever noble, ever gracious.
Let truth and cosmic love your being impress.

Move to a page on I am Blessed and a Blessing

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Such a confirmation
by: Norma

Robert Gresak writes in the true style of the spirit.This poem is soo amazing to me. In 1983 I wrote a poem called 'All Around You' and Rober's poem confirmed for me that 30years on the message is the same as it always was. I've written so many spiritual poems and prose over the last thirty years that I'd forgotten this one and had to dig out an old (and very tattered book by now) where my first poems had been written.
Below is copy of -ALL AROUND YOU. different style - same message.


Love is all around you
take time to pause and see.
Amidst the battles debris,
see love, see me.
All the past is over
now is all we view
in this band of love ,
we're including you.
We will lead you from the turmoil,
of fear, distrust and hate,
to the peaceful place you're seeking
where love does guard the gate.

Disrupters of the calm,
agitators of the peace.
Love will stretch its arm
stilling your disease.
Unmasking all that's vain,
showing deep true worth.
You who shy from love,
must learn by rebirth.
Misusers of wisdom,
destructors of good,
face the truth today,
with help you could.
Join the stronger force,
we will show the way.
Lean on the arm of Love.
Unite with us we pray.


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Love Energy Has Arrived

by Maxine Whitfield
(San Diego, California)

Love energy has arrived here on earth

It's the beginning of Earth's rebirth

Some of us feel it, some of us refuse

But it will happen sometime soon

If you still your mind and become silent within

You will let the Love energy in

It feels great to peel away the layers

The hurt, pain, sorrow, confusion

But I have come to the conclusion

That my past had kept me in pain

Now I feel fresh and alive

New beginnings have arrived

I have been born anew and so can you

With new thoughts, new ideas, new me, new you,

We all can create love and abundance into our lives

By releasing negativity

Focus on creativity

Start over, fresh, and have love for all

Be happy, feel alive, go out and have a ball
Author "Be Spiritually Healed and Focus on Real Truths"
my book of poems

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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