Miracle Healing Migraine

by Penny

Migraine to Miracle, reversing the polarity law of the negative

I would love to share the Miracle from migraine that I experienced on May 21, 2011...a day after my 58th birthday...What a birthday 'present' that was, and continues to be.

My healing came by way of others, as some healing require at least another partner to 'agree' for the release.
I had been struggling for years with what I used to call my 'bee in a bonnet'.
It was the deep core or 'black-hole' of depression that you repress as you are busy with life, until it immobilizes you and forces your attention to finding a cure-release.

...Well, I was somewhat disappointed in yet another birthday without cake or tea or any of the social expectations we have about events on our special days...
and as I always try to celebrate in a small way...a cupcake and a crocus, or a kindness to another for the day.

I had a marvelous session with my ACIM Pathways mind-healing partner on my birthday, and something glowing warm and wonderful stayed with me from our conversation.

That afternoon and evening I felt an intermittent anticipation of some kind. When I get that, I always know that Holy Spirit is preparing me for something quite wonderful.

Well, I awoke the next day with the same remarkable feeling that something very 'present' will occur.

Sure enough, around noon hour, I felt Holy Spirit descending in His infinitely loving way, upon my head and shoulders and His Comfort there, all around me.

..I usually have a brief nap around noon, and I had that feeling I should now lay down with my downy pillow, diamond cystals, and a warm face-cloth (I call it my 'mandy-lion' in remembrance of our Lord Jesus, who left his behind in the tomb, along with the shroud).

...Well, I did drift deeply down to a state of spirit I call 'homeostatis', which is a balance point of complete peace, where I am open to receive what Holy Spirit has for me.

In a large golden-like cloud I suddenly seemed to see and feel a circle of ladies all in discussion and meditative prayer state, and I felt I was instantly there in the midst of them...

Then it felt as if a huge core of excruciating pain was beginning to be dislodged my deepest subconscious.
...like a huge black-hole of ancient to recent memory.
...all of the illnesses I've had in this life-time
...and the smell of the open wounds of emotion...

It was dreadful, yet immensely comforting, knowing that this would soon be all over for me.
I felt I was on the verge of dying. It was terrifying, but all through the experience of this core being lifted out and dispersed in the Light, I felt the immense love of God – His holding of me in compassion.
I had to just trust, and it was soon all over.

I'll tell you, the tears are running down my face right now, in remembering this glorious experience. ...and, this is certainly not my first healing, either self-healed or by the assistance of wonderful others...

Also, I have managed to distance heal, too, which is what is certainly a Divine exchange of Love and just the way it should be in the human experience of social-spiritual biosphere...

We must, through Miracle, create a healthy human biosphere of loving conscious thought, so that we might Heal the Sonship, while in the physical. ...

So, dear loved ones reading this...don't ever, ever allow depression migraine to grip you...you and a nearest and dearest or two, can make the difference for you...

'Be-Cause' God Loves You...Yes, You!...Right in this 'present moment'...Trust & it shall be...

Note from a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com

Dear Beloved Penny,
Thank you so much for sharing the joy of your healing with others. Your joy reaches to us through your words.
Praise God and may angels surround you always.

With Love and thanks,

Katherine T Owen,
Spiritual Poet and Writer

Move to Prayer of agreement – the power of joined minds

Move to read about Scriptures On Healing.

Tags: miracle healing, migraine, Holy Spirit, Jesus, trust

Comments for Miracle Healing Migraine

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by: Robert

What a wonderful healing.
Truly when the time is right and one's faith remains steadfast, the release comes.

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
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