Forgiveness poem

by Anonymous

Ol' Scratch

Ol' Scratch is the name - a slag pile on the edge of town,

Mound of asocial projections... the smile hides a frown.
Dual Metaphysics provides home for his reign,
As source - all things bad... the needle - the vein.

Projections have orbits and come back to their source,
Just more false evidence of Ol' Scratch - of course.
Pile moves under pressure of a thousand binding hands,
Just providing proof of Scratch at work - again.

Some stroll by, unaware of the slope...
Sheer mass of projection, unable to cope.
A prayer of non-dual fraternity is in need,
To soften the judgement which compels our deeds.

To remember 'midst struggle...
The weight - Plato's sleep:
“There's none out there but Christ...”
And to Him I will keep.

Note about the forgiveness poem, from the author:
Katherine: here's a poem you might consider.

Ol' Scratch is a literary name for the Christian concept of "the devil," which A Course In Miracles mentions briefly in non-dual terms.

This poem expands upon that, hopefully to help release from fear.


tags: forgiveness, devil, projection, judgement, poem, non dual, a course in miracles, fear, seeing Christ in everyone

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Everything has a purpose poem

by Norma
(Whitley Bay Tyne & Wear England)

(GOD)is 'All' things. The One Perfect Expression of life
and he yearns for us, his creation, to join him in
His Pleasure.
Whatever has life is an 'expression of Him'
The majestic trees which grace this world are
'an expression of Him' through to the smallest
blade of grass.
The melody of the birds and all things in nature are
'an expression of Him'
Everything has a purpose - His purpose -in this world.

Without the sick and needy,
how could we learn compassion?
Without those who offend us,
how could we learn forgiveness?
Without the pain of love being withheld
or withdrawn by those around us,
How could we learn the true nature of God:
the true nature of Love?
God never withholds or withdraws
however unloving we may become.

(God) is 'All' things in compassion, forgiveness and love.


tags: god, forgiveness, compassion, poem

Comments for Everything has a purpose poem

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Mar 12, 2013
Very good and true poem about forgiveness
by: Floriana Hall

I like the way you write. Very profound. Floriana Hall

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by Floriana Hall
(Akron, Ohio, USA)

The free ebook on forgiveness is wonderfully helpful. Here is my related poem which I wrote last year.


Sometimes ghosts from the past
Live on to haunt in the present
Bad memories seem to last
And make life so unpleasant.

Lies and abuse of any kind
Are hard to forgive for the victim
Banish it all from the mind
Dwelling on it can make life grim.

The wounded fed a fantasy
Tend to believe what was said
Though they know habitual falsity
Are lies that they should dread.

However, one should recognize
For truth and beauty to be at hand
Forgiveness is the path for the wise
And only God can reprimand.

Forgiveness makes sufferers better
In every way, in everything
Pardon can be a true trendsetter
Frees you from the puppet string.

Like a breath of fresh air
Bear no malice toward others
Even if they were never fair
To all, our sisters and our brothers.

Forgive and forget sins of the past
Live only for joys of the present
God’s love surrounds you at last
With the fragrance of only His scent.

Floriana Hall

Copyright October 2010

Thank you again for your gift of the free book: Releasing Judgement. I just printed it out and it is a wonderful book which confirms my beliefs. Everyone needs to read it.

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Comments for A Poem about FORGIVENESS

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Feb 13, 2011
Thank you for the gift of receiving
by: Katherine T Owen

Dear Floriana,
Thank you so much for your kind and affirming words about my book - The Release. It is such an important part of my life to use this simple practice of forgiveness.

A gift is only truly given when it is received. Thank you for receiving.

Your poem shows such an understanding of the value of forgiveness.

I love the line:
Frees you from the puppet string.
So true.

with love and thanks,

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Forgiving Past Mistakes - The Greatest Lesson?

by Floriana Hall - A Poem on Love and Forgiveness
(Akron, Ohio, USA)


The years go by,
like an accelerating train
Faster and faster,
Pausing only at whistle stops.
Summer is shorter
Winter seems longer
Crossing over seems closer
Love seems more important
Hugs and kisses so tender.
Friends are dearer
Family stays nearer
Laughter at foibles
Seems easier
Walking is harder
Hearing is dimming
Persevering important
To keep on going
With dignity so fragile
Learning to do what you can
And letting go of what you can't,
Smiling through it all
Not being a pain to others
But knowing the most important
Thing in life is love.
Showing it, giving it freely,
Forgiving past mistakes -
The greatest lesson in life?
All others take a back seat,
It does not matter how important
You are or think you are
Everything fades into destiny
Except unconditional love.

Floriana Hall

Comments for Forgiving Past Mistakes - The Greatest Lesson?

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Feb 18, 2011
Forgiveness and Unconditional Love Are The Same
by: Katherine T Owen

I love the way you draw together forgiveness and unconditional love. I agree they are the same thing.
Forgiveness is an expression of love.
Love always holds a place for God to work in us to bring about forgiveness.

I also love the way the poem echoes the sound of the rattling train.

Thank you Floriana.

Bless your day,


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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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