Releasing Judgment:
FREE ebook
Forgiveness Exercises for
Self Acceptance and Inner Peace

Contents List for Releasing Judgment:

What Is The Release?

Is It A Moral Judgment?

What Does Forgiveness Mean As Taught In A Course In Miracles?

What Benefits Do Forgiveness Exercises Bring?

But I Can't Just Let Them Get Away With It!

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Although it is not what we want, when we are upset we are holding onto our anger, guilt and fear.

Forgiveness exercises allow us to release judgment.

We let go and let God.

God turns us around and we float up to the surface to breathe in God's love.

We remember the Love we know and are.

20 Page, FREE E-BOOK:
Releasing Judgment – Forgiveness Exercises For Self Acceptance and Inner Peace

When I got ill, I felt fear and anger about many things. I knew if I was to find the strength to stay alive, and hopefully recover, I needed to find a way to be at peace.

And so, I developed and lived a practice of forgiveness and acceptance, both of myself and others.

We can apply the “release statements” to every difficulty in our life. The forgiveness it brings allows us to serve God, to serve the world and to move towards greater joy in our lives.

The free e-book includes the following information which does NOT appear on this site.

  1. A Forgiveness Exercise Developed At A Time When I Felt Much Anger
  2. How Do We Form The Release?
  3. How Do We Apply The Release?
  4. What Happens When We Release Judgment On Something We Do And Do Not Wish To Do?
    Example: Feeling anger
  5. What Happens When We Release Judgment On Another's Behaviour?
  6. How Do We Know What To Release Judgment On Next? Loosening The Knot
  7. Releasing Judgment Helps Us Choose The Advice That Is Right For Us
  8. Releasing Judgment Allows Us To Grow From A Place Of Acceptance And Freedom, Instead of One of Trying To Be Good Enough

You will also receive your own copy of the following information which does appear on this spiritual website:

  • More Information About The Release

  • Definitions of Forgiveness From ACIM

  • Two Poems on Forgiveness

To receive the 20 page, FREE e-book on the Release, enter your details in the box above.

Little by little, we allow God to release us from fear, from anger and from guilt. We are blessed and we are a blessing.

What Is The Release?

The release statements begin "It's OK to..."

The release is an exercise for releasing judgment. This simple and powerful forgiveness exercise can be applied in all situations to bring about greater peace of mind, self love, self acceptance, and love and acceptance of others.

I developed this practice back in 1993. I started doing forgiveness exercises in any situation in which I noticed I was judging myself or another. We can learn how to release judgment.

Is The Release A Moral Judgment?

Whilst it sounds like a moral judgment, "It's OK to..." is not intended as such.

Instead it asks us to consider that no behaviour can separate us from God's love. It encourages us to follow God's example by allowing God’s love to flow through us, both to ourselves and to the other.

On reading or saying the release, we relax in a place of self acceptance; we relax in the practice of accepting another.

What Does Forgiveness Mean As Taught In A Course In Miracles?

The practice of the release is compatible with lessons in forgiveness as taught in A Course In Miracles(ACIM). Actually, the whole of ACIM is a lesson in forgiveness!

The use of the release is also very much compatible with forgiveness as taught in the Bible and learned by Christians.

A Course In Miracles teaches that this world is a dream. Since God is all powerful, we do not have the power to create our own separate kingdom of sorrow, pain and separation. This world seems real to us, but reality remains perfect as God created it.

Forgiveness exercises put us in touch with Reality: our Innocence and the Innocence of the other. (Please note this is not about seeing a behaviour as innocent. It is about holding to the belief that we are more than our behaviour. We exist as a reality beyond the body and beyond our behaviour.)

Why Do We Forgive?
What Are The Benefits of Using Forgiveness Exercises?

When we practise forgiveness, we first experience peace in the midst of a difficulty.

As we continue, the seeming evidence for 'our sins' or 'their sins' eventually dissolves, and our world shifts a little more in the direction of heaven.

The practice of forgiveness is our purpose in being here.
We can look on each of our challenges and irritations as assignments. We stand in the darkness and yet we choose to believe in and call on the Light. When we give God access to transform our minds, we are giving God access to transform the world.

Articles on this website related to Releasing Judgment

Poems on Forgiveness (Included in the FREE forgiveness ebook)

Prayer for forgiveness

But I Can't Just Let Them Get Away With It!

Releasing judgment may seem counter-intuitive. We may feel a resistance to doing so, as if we are condoning a hurtful behaviour and thus weakening our ability to prevent such behaviour in ourselves or another.

However, the opposite is true. Once we release judgment we are no longer blinded by our emotions and our pain. We gain an ability to accept, see and therefore judge the behaviour more clearly.

Read more about the forgiveness exercise of Releasing Judgment by entering your email address above to receive a link to your copy of the FREE ebook on forgiveness.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Forgiveness and Healing 
Stumbling into Paradise I made a decision 30 years ago in 1986 that led me down a hard path. I left a career job and ran away from a relationship. …

ebook on Releasing Judgment 
it is wonderful. i have some anger, not some but a strong feeling of anger with a very near family,but I got wonderful results of "it is ok" {with the …

Christian Forgiveness 
A SONNET- NEEDLE OF REPENTENCE FORGIVE ME O LORD, when I have done a lot Disappointed when sinning, on your heart which is pinning FORGIVE ME …

Poems about forgiveness 
Ol' Scratch Ol' Scratch is the name - a slag pile on the edge of town, Mound of asocial projections... the smile hides a frown. Dual Metaphysics provides …

Forgiveness and losing weight 
I was diagnosed with MS 3 years ago and have been working very hard to get healthy and clear my body of toxins/negativity. I have been eating clean …

Fear of Getting Hurt if I forgive 
As I start my journey of forgiveness, the emotion of fear comes to mind. What do I fear? I fear the release of letting go of the non-forgiveness. …

Forgiveness stories 
In 1 month I am going halfway round the world - for one wash the feet of my greatest enemy, in gratitude for leading me deeply into the heart …

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Self Esteem - Article by a colleague about honouring your whole self

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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